When I send or receive faxes there is always an negotiation error?
Link: http://www.extracomm.com/Extracomm/FAQ.NSF/FAQs/068d44494218441e482564dd00341afeApply to: ExtraFax for Domino
All versions
Last Modified Date: 07/11/2007
This problem usually exists with a particular model of the US-Robotics modem. Sometimes you may receive some "blank pages" from the senders fax machine. This is not a problem with either the fax machine, nor ExtraFax.
To resolve this problem, you can try to change the settings of the COM port in the Control Panel of your operating system.
in the example below, we are using Windows 2000.
1.) Open Control Panel --> Administrative Tools, double click on Computer Management, select Device Manager
2.) Select COM1 or COM2 where your modem is installed and double click on the COM port.
3.) Goto the Port Settings Tab and click on Advanced and make sure the Use FIFO buffers is selected. Click OK to save and exit. Click OK to exit the properties of the Communication Port then close the Computer Management window.
4.) Open the Phone and Modem settings in Control Panel
5.) Select the Modems Tab and select your modem and click on Properties button. Verify the Maximum Port Speed is set to 19200, if not change it to 19200. Click OK to save the changes. Click OK to exit from the Phone and Modems window.