ExtraFax for Notes/Domino - System Requirements

ExtraFax 9.5.5 for Notes/Domino - Minimum System Requirements


Processor1GHz or faster.
Memory2GB or more.
Hard Drive4GB free hard disk space.
Phone LineOne or more analog phone lines, DID trunk lines or ISDN lines.

Operating System- Windows Server 2022
- Windows Server 2019
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2012 / 2012 R2
- Windows 11 Pro
- Windows 10 Pro
Domino ServerDomino 9.0.x / 10.0.x / 11.0.x / 12.0.x / 14
Notes ClientNotes 9.0.x / 10.0.x / 11.0.x / 12.0.x / 14

Supported Fax/SMS/MMS Devices:
Fax Boards- Brooktrout SR140 FoIP
- Brooktrout TR1034
Brooktrout TruFax
Sangoma Diva
Sangoma JCT
Fax ModemFax Class 1, 2, or 2.0 (Internal/External)
We would recommend using MultiTech ZBA (external) or MultiTech ZPX (internal) analog fax modems.
GSM/GPRS Modem for SMSGSM/GPRS modem that conforms to the GSM standards specifying the AT-command interface (e.g. ETSI GSM 07.05 or ETSI GSM 07.07).
We would recommend using MultiTech MultiModem Cell, MultiTech MultiModem iSMS, MultiTech MultiModem rCell, MultiTech MultiConnect rCell or Digicom Pocket GPRS Micro.
GSM/GPRS Modem for MMSGSM/GPRS modem that confirms to the GPRS standard. We would recommend using We would recommend using.
We would recommend using MultiTech MultiModem Cell or Digicom Pocket GPRS Micro.
Note: The above minimum system requirements are pertaining to ExtraFax 9.5.5 for Notes/Domino. For other versions of ExtraFax, please refer to the corresponding ExtraFax Installation Guide for system requirement details.

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