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How to configure SecurTrac Server Document Settings

You can view and configure the SecurTrac server settings in the SecurTrac server document. You are required to restart the Domino server for the new settings to take effect.

To open the SecurTrac server document:
  1. Open the SecurTrac Configuration Database (SCTCFG.NSF).
  2. In the left pane, select Server Settings. You should see a list of SecurTrac servers in your environment.
  3. Select the server and double click to open it.

Basics Tab:

License Info (Read Only)Server NameThe Domino server name which SecurTrac is installed on.
VersionSecurTrac version number including build number
TypeSecurTrac license type. It can be Full\Module\Lite.
Monitor ActivationIt shows whether or not the monitor function is activated or not. For Full license type, all monitors are activated. For module or lite, only the purchased module monitors will be activated.
SecurTrac Statistics (Read Only)Free Disk Space (Domino Data Volume):Disk space available in the volume that Domino Data folder resides
Free Disk Space (SctWork Volume):Disk space available in the volume that SctWork folder resides
Last log was imported at:The time when the last log was imported into the SecurTrac log database
Last log's action time:The action time of the last imported log
Total number of logs imported since SecurTrac was last started:The total number of logs that have been generated since SecurTrac was started. Restarting the SecurTrac addin task will reset the counter.
Elapsed Time:The elapsed time since SecurTrac was started. Restarting the SecurTrac addin task will reset the counter.
Log Import Rate:The average log generation rate (log/minute)
Lag time (current time - last log's time):This is an estimation of the lag time
Outgoing Database documentsThis shows how many logs are queued up in the SecurTrac outgoing log database.
License KeySecurTrac License KeyLicense key to control the validity and functionality of SecurTrac. If no license key is specified, SecurTrac will operate in evaluation mode, which has a 30 day expiry period.

Settings Tab:

Log Database ManagementMethodSpecifies how SecurTrac controls the size of the log database. Choose one of the following methods:
      "None" - SecurTrac does not automatically control the size of the log database. If you do not use one of the available methods for controlling database size automatically, be sure to monitor the database size and use appropriate tools to archive the log data.

      "Periodic Roll-over" - SecurTrac creates a new log database at an interval specified in the Duration field.

      "Size Roll-over" - When the current database reaches the size specified in the Maximum Size field, SecurTrac creates a new log database.

      "Purge" - SecurTrac deletes documents from the database after the number of days specified in the Data Retention field.

      Introduced in SecurTrac 2.5, it is now possible to specify individual Log Database Management settings for specific SecurTrac log databases. You are no longer limited to one Log Database Management Setting for all SecurTrac log databases.

Maximum SizeSpecify a size limit, in megabytes (MB), for the log database. After the database reaches the specified size, SecurTrac creates a new one.

Note: This field is available only when "Size Roll-over" method is selected.

Data RetentionSpecify the number of days that log entries should remain in the SecurTrac log database before being purged.

Note: This field is available only when the "Purge" method is selected.

Duration:Specify the number of days after which SecurTrac will create a new one.

Note: This field is available only when "Periodic Roll-over" method is selected.

Automatically create full text index:Select

Yes - automatically create a full text index for the newly created database

No - do not automatically create a full text index for the newly created database

Note: SecurSearch requires the log databases to be full text indexed in order to be searched.

Enable DAOS database setting when SecurTrac Log Database is createdSelect

Yes - to automatically enable DAOS support for the newly created database log

No - do not automatically enable DAOS support for the newly created database log

Work folder and log import optionsWork folder pathTo reduce I/O contention with Domino, you can set the working directory of SecurTrac to a physical hard disk separated from Domino's databases. This will increase the overall performance of the system.

The default values of this parameter is "D:\SCTWork"

Make sure that the drive containing the working directory has enough storage space. In general, this should be no less than 500MB.

Also make sure that the Domino server has permission to read and write under the working directory.

Import logs in accordance with the following server availability index This controls when SecurTrac writes logs to the Log Database. To reduce the impact of SecurTrac to other tasks running on the Domino server, SecurTrac writes logs to Log Database only when the availability index of Domino server is above a particular level.

The default value is 20.

Log import intervalThis controls how often the SecurTrac addin task imports the intermediate logs from SecurTrac working folder (SctWork).

Default is 5 seconds

Maximum number of logs to be imported in each intervalThis controls the maximum number of logs to be imported to the SecurTrac log database in each interval.

The default value is 50.

For Mail Monitor OnlyMail Cluster Server(s)If you are running Domino clustering and using SecurTrac Mail Monitor, you need to setup this field. In a cluster environment, users may access the mail file on the primary server or the failover server(s). In order to make SecurTrac aware of the Domino clustering, you need to add the cluster server name(s) in this field. This feature now supports specifying more then 1 cluster server mate. Specify the Domino server name in canonical format.
Search Multiple Domino DirectoriesIf you enabled Mail Monitoring, SecurTrac will search for all users who's home server is the current server.


Yes - Search for all specified directories

No - Search for names.nsf only (default)

If you specify Yes, you will be prompted to input list of directories to be searched. Separate each directory with a comma.


For Notes.ini File Monitor OnlyNotes.ini change detection intervalThis controls how often SecurTrac to check Notes.ini changes.

Default is 15 seconds

Misc settingsTask(s) to be excluded from SecurTrac monitoringSpecify a list of task names which you want to be excluded by SecurTrac logging.

For example, you want to exclude the logging initiated by Agent Manager, select "AMgr"

Defer Initiation ProcessThis controls when SecurTrac starts the initialization process. By default, it starts initialization when Domino starts up. However, this may take a while in a very big organization (with a large Domino Directory). By deferring the initialization of SecurTrac, this will improve the Domino server start up time.
Attachment SettingsDownload Server Host NameSpecify the server where file attachments in url links added by SecurTrac in e-mails can be downloaded. This feature is related to the Mail Policy Monitor.
For MIME messages, download Link PositionPrepend or Append
Cleanup Attachment (Days)Specify number of days after which attachments posted for download should be deleted.
NotificationsNotify the following users when a new log database has been createdSpecify a list of people who will receive an e-mail notification when a new log database is created.
Notify the following users when SecurTrac has detected an errorSpecify a list of people who will receive an e-mail notification when SecurTrac has detected an error.
Notify the following users when SecurTrac addin task has been started or shutdownSpecify a list of people who will receive an e-mail notification when SecurTrac addin task has been started or shutdown.

Administration Tab:

AdministrationOwnerSpecify the owner of the monitor document.
AdministratorsSpecify person(s) who can modify the current monitor document.
Settings Modification HistoryDateShows the date of modification for the current monitor document.
Updated byShows the persons who modified the current monitor document.
