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SecurTrac Mail Policy Log Database(SCTPolicyLog.nsf)

SecurTrac Mail Policy log documents show detailed information about e-mail that has been Audited/Quarantined/Copied/Deleted in accordance to how the SecurTrac Mail Policy feature is configured. Mail Released Log documents show detailed information relating to e-mail that has been released after being previously quarantined by the Mail Policy feature.

To view log information from the Mail Policy Log Database:
  1. Open the SecurTrac Mail Policy Log Database (SCTPolicyLog.NSF or user defined log database)
  2. In the left pane, select Mail Policy Log or Mail Released Log.
  3. In the right pane, a list of Mail logs will be shown and sorted by date and time.
  4. Double click the log you are looking for and the details of the log will be shown.
