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How to Create Mail Policy - Regular Expression Pattern Documents.

The Mail Policy Monitor function of SecurTracTM can audit/quarantine/copy/delete any e-mails that route through a Domino server. Using this powerful feature, companies can enforce e-mail security policies. As part of the Mail Policy feature, you can use Regular Expression patterns to look for such things as Credit Card numbers, Social Security Numbers within e-mail and when found, that e-mail can be optionally audited/quarantined/copied/deleted.

For more information about Regular Expression patterns, please visit this insightful web site:

This web site includes many ready to use regular expression patterns such as patterns to find Credit Cards numbers, Social Security numbers and more........

Included in SCTCfg.ntf(SecurTrac Configuration Template database), you will find some sample Regular Expression pattern documents that you can simply copy and paste into the active SCTCfg.nsf (SecurTrac Configuration database.)

To create Mail Policy - Regular Expression pattern documents, you need to open the SecurTrac Configuration Database (SCTCFG.NSF)
  1. Open the SecurTrac Configuration Database (SCTCFG.NSF).
  2. In the left pane, select .
  3. Select the Pattern view as seen below:
4. Click the button on the action bar.

5. Specify the preferred pattern settings and click the button.

6. Below is a table describing each of the available options within the Mail Policy Pattern documents.

Basics Tab:

PatternNameInput a name label for the pattern document.
DescriptionThis is an optional field which allows user to input description or remark for this pattern document.
Regular Expression PatternCopy and Paste the regular expression pattern that you would like to use.
Regular Expression Tester
(URL Link)
Clicking on this URL will launch the SecurTrac Regular Expression Tester. Note that the Regular Expression Tester is a web browser based utility. You can either use the tester that is installed with SecurTrac, or you can use the tester located on the Extracomm Web site. The tester that should be used is configured by clicking on the Change Tester URL link.

To use the Regular Expression tester that is installed with SecurTrac, the HTTP task must be running on the Domino server. SecurTrac will attempt to detect the host name, if it is unable to detect it, the Server IP Address or Host name must be added manually to be part of the URL. For more information, review the Change Tester URL field description located further down in this document.

How to use the Regular Expression Tester once it has launched:

1) When the Regular Expression Tester has launched, it will automatically paste the specified Pattern Expression into the Regular Expression field.
2) Next, in the String to be tested field, specify some sample data that will be tested against the Regular Expression in order to validate whether or not it works as expected.
3) Click the button in order to complete the test.
4) Any matching results will be highlighted, as seen in the Credit Card Regular Expression sample below.

Change Tester URLClick this link to change the Regular Expression Tester URL. SecurTrac will attempt to detect the server host name. If SecurTrac is unable to detect the host name, the host name or IP Address of the server must be manually added.

Default value is: http://<IPAddress/HostName>:80/securtrac/SCTCfg.nsf/RegExForm?OpenForm

Where <IPAddress/HostName> is the IP address or Host Name of the Domino server where SecurTrac is installed. Make sure HTTP is running on this server. Alternatively, you may choose to click on Use Extracomm Tester instead.

Administration Tab:

AdministrationOwnerSpecify the owner of the monitor document.
AdministratorsSpecify person(s) who can modify the current monitor document.
Settings Modification HistoryDateShows the date of modification for the current monitor document.
Updated byShows the persons who modified the current monitor document.
