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Configure SecurTrac Statistics E-mail Notifications

SecurTrac stores the run time statistics in the SecurTrac server document. You can open the SecurTrac server document to view the statistics.

Free Disk Space (Domino Data Volume):Disk space available in the volume that the Domino Data folder resides
Free Disk Space (SctWork Volume):Disk space available in the volume that the SctWork folder resides
Last log was imported at:The time when the last log was imported into the SecurTrac log database
Last log's action time:The action time of the last imported log
Total number of logs imported since SecurTrac was last started:The total number of logs that have been generated since SecurTrac was started. Restarting the SecurTrac addin task will reset the counter.
Elapsed Time:The elapsed time since SecurTrac was started. Restarting the SecurTrac addin task will reset the counter.
Log Import Rate:The average log generation rate (log/minute)
Lag time (current time - last log's time):This is an estimation of the lag time

In addition, you can choose to receive the statistics by e-mail manually or automatically.

To manually send SecurTrac statistics via e-mail, follow these steps:

  1. Open the SecurTrac Configuration Database (SCTCFG.NSF).
  2. In the left pane, select Server Settings.
  3. Click the Action button "Send SecurTrac Statistics to me via E-mail".
  4. A prompt will appear to confirm the e-mail has been successfully sent.

To send SecurTrac statistics email automatically, follow these steps:

  1. Open the SecurTrac Configuration Database (SCTCFG.NSF).
  2. In the left pane, select Server Settings.
  3. Click Action button "Enable Scheduled Statistics E-mail".
  4. You will be prompted to input or change the e-mail recipient list.
  5. If it is already enabled, you can disable the scheduled e-mail by clicking the Action button "Disable Scheduled Statistics E-mail".
