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How to configure the User Activity Monitor

You can keep track of user activities by using the User Activity Monitor feature of SecurTracTM. The User Activity monitor can track Database Open, Database Close, Database View Open actions as well as Document Open,Create, Update and Delete actions. To configure the User Activity Monitor, you need to open the SecurTrac Configuration Database (SCTCFG.NSF)

To create a User Activity monitor:
  1. Open the SecurTrac Configuration Database (SCTCFG.NSF).
  2. In the left side pane, select .
  3. Click the button on the action bar.
  4. Specify the preferred configuration settings and click the button.
  5. Below is a table describing each of the available configurations within the User Activity Monitor.


User(s) To MonitorPeopleSelect user(s) or group(s) that you want to be monitored. To specify all members of a branch of a hierarchical name tree, enter a wild card (*) followed by a forward slash and certifier name; for example, */SALES/ACME. To monitor all users, enter "*".
AND the people are using Full Access Administration privilegeWhen this option is selected, only when the people/groups specified in the "People" field ALSO have the Full Access Administration privilege activated, will this monitor be triggered.
Server(s)Either select "All in the Domain" or "Only the following" servers.

If you select "All in the Domain", User Activity events on all servers in the current domain will be monitored by SecurTracTM.

If you select "Only the following", a list box will be shown for you to select the specific server(s) in the current domain to be monitored. Click on the button to choose the server(s) you want to monitor.

Database To MonitorFile / Folder NameSpecify the relative path and file name of the database to be monitored. For example:

To monitor the SecurTrac Configuration database, you should enter "SECURTRAC\SCTCFG.NSF".
To monitor all databases in a folder, you should enter the folder name. e.g. apps
To monitor all databases, you should enter "*".

Note: This field does not support multiple values. If you want to monitor multiple specific databases, please use multiple Database Monitors instead.
Exclude File(s) / Folder Name(s)Specify the relative path of the database file or folder that should NOT be monitored.
The root data folder can be included or excluded from monitoring by using the <DataRoot> parameter.
DescriptionDescriptionThis is an optional field which allows user to input descriptions or remark for this monitor.
Log DatabaseFile nameSelect

Log to the default databaseThe corresponding log will be stored in a Central Log Database (SctLog.nsf).
Log to the specified databaseThe corresponding log will be stored in the database you specified.
Server nameSelect

Log to the server where the event occurredThe corresponding log will be created on the same server where the event occurred.
Log to the specified serverThe corresponding log will be created on the server you specified. If you select this option, please make sure the originating server has sufficient access to the remote log database on this specified server.
Multiple Monitors Matched HandlingSingle log entryThis is the default option. Select this option if you want SecurTracTM to generate one log entry only for all monitor(s) matched.
Multiple log entries Select this option if you want SecurTracTM to generate a new log entry for each monitor matched.
EnablementDisable this User Activity MonitorIf this field is checked, SecurTracTM will temporarily disable that specific User Activity Monitor and no configured events within that User Activity Monitor document will be logged.

Monitor --> Activity:

ActivityDatabase OpenSelect this option to monitor any database open events.
Database CloseSelect this option to monitor any database close events.
View OpenSelect this option to monitor any database view open events.
Document OpenSelect this option to monitor any database document open events.
Document CreationSelect this option to monitor any database document creation events.
Document UpdateSelect this option to monitor any database document update events.
Document DeletionSelect this option to monitor any database document deletion events.
Hide Intermediate Database Open/CloseSelect this option to prevent logging of intermediate(programatic) database open/close activities. This field will display only when either Database Open or Close is selected.
ExceptionDon't generate log if the action is triggered by the following user(s) or group(s)Select this option to prevent logging if the action is triggered by specified user(s) or group(s)

Report Tab:

ScheduleRun FrequencySelect the frequency of which the report is run. Daily, Weekly, Monthly.
Run at timeSpecify the time that the report should be run at.
Days of weekSpecify the days of the week that the report should run on.
Notification ListMailing AddressSpecify the mailing addresses of the people who should be notified of the reports.
ImportanceSpecify the importance of the message.
Delivery PrioritySpecify the delivery priority of the message.
Customize E-mail Notification MessageOption to customize the E-mail notification.
Add fieldAllows you to select predefined reserved fields.
EnablementDisable sending reportIf this field is checked, SecurTracTM will temporarily disable the sending of any reports.


AdministrationOwnerSpecify the owner of the monitor document.
AdministratorsSpecify person(s) who can modify the current monitor document.
Settings Modification HistoryDateShows the date of modification for the current monitor document.
Updated byShows the persons who have modified the current monitor document.
