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Using WinMerge to compare the difference between before and after values in a document

In some cases, the before and after values are too large to easily identify the differences between the Original Values and the New Values. A typical example would be in the case of identifying the difference between the members field in a Group document. The group may contain hundreds of entries, so it may be difficult to find the differences.

With the help of an external software tool called WinMerge, you can find the differences more easily.

Below is a screen shot of the WinMerge program.

Note: Currently, SecurTrac only supports the WinMerge application

Follow the steps outlined below to enable this feature.
  1. Download WinMerge from their official web site:
  2. Edit your client Notes.ini and add the following parameter.


    Example: $SCTDiffProgram=WinMerge,c:\program files\winmerge\winmergeU.exe

How to use this function
  1. Open the Document Change Log generated by the Database Monitor or Domino Directory Monitor.
  2. If the Action is Update, an action button will appear at the top of the Form.
  3. Use your mouse to select the before and after value columns.

  4. Click the action button.
  5. The WinMerge program will start and highlight the differences between the selected columns.
