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How to configure a scheduled Log Summary Report

You can request to receive a Log Summary report which can be run on a schedule that you specify. To configure Log Summary reports, you need to open the SecurTrac Configuration Database (SCTCFG.NSF)

To create a Database ACL Audit:
  1. Open the SecurTrac Configuration Database (SCTCFG.NSF).
  2. In the left pane, select .
  3. Click the button on the action bar.
  4. Fill in the configuration settings, click the button to save the configurations.


Log database to be summarizedSource Log DatabaseSelect the location of the SecurTrac log databases. You should only select the database link file only. For example, if you have SCTLog20070101.nsf, SCTLog20070201.nsf, SCTLog20070301.nsf etc. You should only select SCTLog.nsf database. The report will scan through all the above databases when generating the report.
Server(s)Either select "All in the Domain" or "Only the following" servers.

If you select "All in the Domain", the summary report will run on all servers in the current domain.

If you select "Only the following", a list box will be shown for you to select the specific server(s) in the current domain that the summary report will run on. Click on the button to choose the server(s).

DescriptionDescriptionThis is an optional field which allows user to input descriptions or remark for this report.
ScheduleRun FrequencySelect the interval for the report generation. It can be either Daily, Weekly or Monthly.
Run at timeSelect the time at which the report will be run.
Day of weekIf the Run Frequency is Daily, the report will execute everyday.
If the Run Frequency is Weekly, you can select which day that you want to run the report.
If the Run Frequency is Monthly, you can select which day of the month that you want to run the report.
Log DatabaseFile nameSelect

Log to the default databaseThe corresponding report will be stored in a Central Log Database (SctLog.nsf).
Log to the specified databaseThe corresponding report will be stored in the database you specified.
Server nameSelect

Log to the server where the event occurredThe corresponding report will be created on the same server where the event occurred.
Log to the specified serverThe corresponding report will be created on the server you specified. If you select this option, please make sure the originating server has sufficient access to the remote log database on this specified server.
EnablementDisable this Summary ReportIf this option is selected, SecurTracTM will temporarily disable the report

Summary Report:

Types of Monitor LogsLog TypeSelect types of SecurTrac logs you want to have included in the report.
Show Log EntriesInclude log entries in the reportSelect
Yes - list the log entries in the report. The report will show all the log entries and links to the original log entries.
No - do not list the log entries in the report. The report will show the summary only.
Notification ListMailing AddressSelect the person who will receive an e-mail notification immediately when the report has been run.
Customize E-Mail Notification MessageSelect this option if you want to customize the subject and content of the e-mail notification message.
Include Report Summary in the E-mailSelect this option if you want to include report summary detail in the e-mail notification.


AdministrationOwnerSpecify the owner of the monitor document.
AdministratorsSpecify person(s) who can modify the current monitor document.
Settings Modification HistoryDateShows the date of modification for the current monitor document.
Updated byShows the persons who have modified the current monitor document.
