Enable an out-of-office message when an employee calls in sick
Alex Chan January 9 2014 04:20:46 PM
In Notes 8 or above, you can enable out-of-office message on behalf of someone else.But there is one requirement, you must be the delegate with Editor-level or above rights to the user's mail file.
This means the delegate has full access to the user's mails. This is undesirable.
We want someone who can help to enable or disable or update the out-of-office settings. But we don't want this person having the rights to peek at the users' mails.
Out-of-Office Manager from Extracomm is the solution that allow central management of out-of-office settings by help-desk or Domino administrators.
Extracomm's Out-of-Office Manager
IBM Notes Out of Office (OOO) Management: Today and Beyond
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