How to Restore Deleted Mail Folders - New Feature in the Upcoming SecurTrac Release

    Riza Celep  August 26 2015 01:37:37 AM

    A great way to manage and organize your IBM Notes email inbox is to use folders. End users can use folders in their IBM Notes mail to help reduce inbox clutter and best of all nicely organize their email messages so that they can be found easily. The more organized end users are, the more productive they will be.

    Problem: What if a IBM Notes Mail folder was accidentally deleted? Is there a way to restore a deleted IBM Notes Mail folder?

    Though deleting a IBM Notes Mail folder will not delete the actual emails stored in the folder, it will typically send end users into a panic as most believe that all those emails are lost. The good news is that  the original emails can still be found in "All Documents" view of the mail database. Recovering from the problem, however is not so straight forward. Recreating the folder is easy, however the problem is for the end user to remember exactly which emails were in that folder originally? Depending on the complexity of the mail folder, repopulating emails back into the folder could be way too time consuming and could take hours, if not days. Without an easy way to recover all the emails in the affected folder, it could be a disastrous situation for the end users and ultimately significantly affect their productivity.

    Solution: Use SecurTrac to restore the deleted IBM Notes Mail folder and recover email references for that folder with just a few simple clicks.

    By installing SecurTrac on your Domino server, you can be assured that all IBM Notes Mail folders that end users delete could be fully restored back to normal with just a few clicks.  

    To use the feature, you need

    1) SecurTrac 2.5.1 Build 2566 or above
    2) Enable Database Monitor and monitor Folder design elements for user mail databases.
    3) Turn on Export to DXL

    Below is a sample SecurTrac log, which depicts how many documents were originally stored in a folder that was deleted.

    Image:How to Restore Deleted Mail Folders - New Feature in the Upcoming SecurTrac Release

    When you click the "Restore" button in the SecurTrac log, it will restore the folder design element into the user's mail database and ask whether or not to also restore the email document references as well. Clicking Yes, will quickly and seamlessly recover the folder and its email content back to the way it was at the time that the folder was deleted, which will make the end user so happy and there will be no loss of productivity.

    Image:How to Restore Deleted Mail Folders - New Feature in the Upcoming SecurTrac Release

    Contact Extracomm for more information on SecurTrac.

    Informational Links:

    Click here for SecurTrac Product Page.
    Click here for SecurTrac product requirements.
    Click here to Download SecurTrac.