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How to configure a Mail Monitor

The Mail Monitor function of SecurTracTM can track mail messages for the following events: Send, Route, Receive, Open, Update, Delete, Undelivered, illegal open, Delegation profile updates, ACL Changes and Bulk Action events. To configure the Mail Monitor, you need to open the SecurTrac Configuration Database (SCTCFG.NSF)

How to create a SecurTrac Mail Monitor:

  1. Open the SecurTrac Configuration Database (SCTCFG.NSF).
  2. In the left pane, select .
  3. Click the button on the action bar.
  4. Specify the preferred configuration settings and click the button.
  5. Below is a table describing each of the available configurations within the Mail Monitor.

Basics Tab:

Mail user(s) to monitorPeopleSpecify the Mail user(s) to be monitored.

By Username:

Separate multiple names with commas or semicolons. To specify all members of a branch of a hierarchical name tree, enter a wildcard (*) followed by a forward slash and the certifier name; for example, */SALES/ACME. To monitor all users, enter "*".

Note: Groups can also be specified in this field.

If for example you have specified the wildcard "*" so that everyone should be monitored, but wish to exclude some users from being monitored, specify the user name(s), group name(s) or hierarchical name tree, ; for example, */SALES/ACME in the field provided.

By Mail Database Path:

Select a mail database path that you want to be monitored. Mail activity can now be monitored for Mail-in databases, mail archive databases or mail databases without a Person document. Specify the path of the database(s) ; for example, mail\*, mailin\hr.nsf

Select a mail database path that you do NOT want to be monitored. If you wish to exclude some specific databases from being monitored, specify the path of the database(s) ; for example, mail\jsmith.nsf, mail\bjames.nsf

AND the people are using Full Access Administration privilege.When this option is selected, only when the people/groups specified in the "People" field ALSO have the Full Access Administration privilege activated, will this monitor be triggered. In the case of a Mail Database being access that is specified in the "By Mail Database Path", when this option is selected, the monitor will only be triggered if someone accesses the mail database using the Full Access Administration privilege.
Server(s)Either select "All in the Domain" or "Only the following" servers.

If you select "All in the Domain", specified users with mail databases on any server in the current Domino domain will be monitored by SecurTracTM.

If you select "Only the following", a list box will be shown for you to select the specific server(s) in the current domain to be monitored. Click on the button to choose the server(s) you want to monitor.

DescriptionDescriptionThis is an optional field which allows user to input description or remark for this monitor.
Log DatabaseFile nameSelect

Log to the default databaseThe corresponding log will be stored in a Central Log Database (SctLog.nsf).
Log to the specified databaseThe corresponding log will be stored in the database you specified.
Server nameSelect

Log to the server where the event occurred:The corresponding log will be created on the same server where the event occurred.

Log to the specified server:
The corresponding log will be created on the server you specified. If you select this option, please make sure the originating server has sufficient access to the remote log database on the specified server.
Multiple Monitors Matched HandlingSingle log entryThis is the default option. Select this option if you want SecurTracTM to generate one log entry only for all monitor(s) matched.
Multiple log entries Select this option if you want SecurTracTM to generate a new log entry for each monitor matched.
EnablementDisable this Mail MonitorIf this field is checked, SecurTracTM will temporarily disable that specific Mail Monitor and no configured events within that Mail Monitor document will be logged.

Monitor --> Mail Action Tab:

ActionSendSelect this option to monitor e-mail that is sent by the specified person(s) on the Basics tab. This includes e-mail sent using third party e-mail clients, such as outlook. The sender's Internet e-mail address will be looked up in the Domino directory.
RouteSelect this option to monitor e-mail that is routed for the specified person(s) on the Basics tab. Please note that LOG_MAILROUTING=40 parameter must be included in the Domino Server notes.ini.
ReceiveSelect this option to monitor e-mail that is received for the specified person(s) on the Basics tab.
OpenSelect this option to monitor e-mail that is opened(read) in a mail database by the specified person(s) on the Basics tab.
UpdateSelect this option to monitor e-mail that is updated in a mail database by the specified person(s) on the Basics tab.
DeleteSelect this option to monitor e-mail that is deleted in a mail database by the specified person(s) on the Basics tab.
UndeliverSelect this option to monitor e-mail that is undeliverable and was sent by the specified person(s) on the Basics tab.
Illegal OpenSelect this option to monitor e-mail being illegally opened by unauthorized person(s) in a mail database. An unauthorized person is defined as the person who is not the mail database owner.
Open initiated by delegate will be
treated as a normal open
Select this option to log the Open actions initiated by people with delegation access, as a normal Open.
Criteria to match: Formula EditorLog if formula is trueSpecify criteria for mail monitor. You should enter Notes @formula whose return value must be either TRUE or FALSE. For example, you can add '@Begins(Subject; "Confidential")' to monitor any mail whose subject begins with the word "Confidential".

Note: Refer to Building Sophisticated Criteria sectionDatabase 'SecurTrac Admin Guide', View 'd. Printed Book', Document 'Building more sophisticated Criteria' for advanced Formula settings.
Criteria to match: Formula WizardLog if these conditions are metUsing the new Formula Wizard, now you can easily create criteria to match, with no need to have programming experience. With its intuitive interface, you can easily select criteria conditions based on Sender, Body, Subject and more.
Criteria to match: Formula WizardShow formula generated by the Formula WizardNot selected by default and only visible when the Formula Wizard is used. When conditions are selected and applied using the Formula Wizard, a formula is automatically generated. Select this option to display the generated formula.
ExceptionDon't generate log if the document is opened by current serverSelect this option to prevent logging if the e-mail was opened by the current server.
Don't generate log if the action is triggered by replicationSelect this option to prevent logging if the action was triggered by replication.
Don't generate log if the action is triggered by the following tasksSelect this option to prevent logging if the action was triggered by specified tasks.
Don't generate log if the action is triggered by the following user(s) or group(s)Select this option to prevent logging if the action was triggered by specified user(s) or group(s)
Don't generate log if it is a Sent CopySelect this option to prevent logging if the e-mail is a Sent Copy. Previously, it will be logged as Received Log (Sent Copy)
Don't generate log if it is a SecurTrac generated notificationSelect this option to prevent logging if the e-mail was generated by the SecurTrac task itself.
Traveler/Blackberry Server HandlingEnable Traveler/Blackberry Server HandlingSelect this option if you want to enable logging e-mail that is handled by the Traveler/Blackberry Server.
Mail Content LoggingLog Mail ContentSelect this option if you want to log the mail body content.
Mail Content LoggingLog text changes (Applies to Update action only)Select this option if you want to log the specific changes that were made to the mail body content during the update action. Only changes to text can be logged. Changes to screen shots or file attachments cannot be logged.
Attachment LoggingDon't LogSelect this option if you do not want to log file attachments.
Log Attachment(s) InfoSelect this option if you want to log the attachment info only, without capturing a copy of any file attachment(s).
Log Attachment(s) Info and ContentSelect this option if you want to log the attachment info as well as capturing a copy of any file attachment(s).
Bulk Action DetectionEnable Bulk Action DetectionSelect this option will generate a Bulk Action Log if the defined events occurs a defined no. of times within a defined period.
Send e-mail notification toSelect the person(s) who will receive an e-mail notification immediately when there are detected bulk action events that match the specified criteria.
ImportanceYou can set the importance of the e-mail notification.
Delivery Priority You can set the delivery priority of the e-mail notification.
Customize E-Mail Notification MessageSelect this option if you want to customize the subject and content of the e-mail notification message.
Add fieldAllows you to select predefined reserved fields.
EnablementDisable monitoring mail actionIf this field is checked, SecurTracTM will temporarily disable the monitoring of any Mail Action related events such as mail send / route / receive / open / update / delete / undelivered / illegal open.

Monitor --> Mail Delegation Tab:

ExceptionDon't generate log if there is no change in delegation propertiesSelect this option to prevent logging if there is no change in delegation properties although a mail profile update has been detected.
NotificationMailing addressSelect the person(s) who will receive an e-mail notification immediately when this event occurs.
ImportanceYou can set the importance of the e-mail notification
Delivery Priority You can set the delivery priority of the e-mail notification.
Customize E-Mail Notification MessageSelect this option if you want to customize the subject and content of the e-mail notification message.
Add fieldAllows you to select predefined reserved fields
EnablementDisable monitoring mail delegationIf this field is checked, SecurTracTM will temporarily disable the monitoring of any mail delegation events.

Monitor --> Mail ACL Tab:

ACLShow all ACL entriesSelect this option if you want to show all ACL entries. If not selected, it will only show the modified ACL entries.
ExceptionDon't generate log if there is no change in ACLSelect this option to prevent logging if there is no change in the ACL although an ACL profile update has been detected.
NotificationMailing addressSelect the person(s) who will receive an e-mail notification immediately when this event occurs.
ImportanceYou can set the importance of the e-mail notification
Delivery Priority You can set the delivery priority of the e-mail notification
Customize E-Mail Notification MessageSelect this option if you want to customize the subject and content of the e-mail notification message.
Add fieldAllows you to select predefined reserved fields
Export to Domino XML(DXL)Export the original ACL to DXLSelect this option if you want to enable the restore feature in SecurTrac. By enabling this option, SecurTrac will store the original Access Control List(ACL) in DXL format whenever it has been updated. In the ACL log, there will be a "Restore" button to restore the ACL back to its previous version. Please note that the Notes client being used must at least be the same version or newer when compared the Domino server version. For example, a Notes 7 client will not be able to restore a document on a Domino 8 server.
EnablementDisable monitoring mail delegationIf this field is checked, SecurTracTM will temporarily disable the monitoring of any mail ACL changes.

Report Tab:

ScheduleRun FrequencySelect the frequency of which the report is run. Daily, Weekly, Monthly.
Run at timeSpecify the time that the report should be run at.
Days of weekSpecify the days of the week that the report should run on.
Notification ListMailing AddressSpecify the mailing addresses of the people who should be notified of the reports.
ImportanceSpecify the importance of the message.
Delivery PrioritySpecify the delivery priority of the message.
Customize E-mail Notification MessageOption to customize the E-mail notification.
EnablementDisable sending reportIf this field is checked, SecurTracTM will temporarily disable the sending of any reports.

Administration Tab:

AdministrationOwnerSpecify the owner of the monitor document.
AdministratorsSpecify person(s) who can modify the current monitor document.
Settings Modification HistoryDateShows the date of modification for the current monitor document.
Updated byShows the persons who modified the current monitor document.
