Code | 
Description |

1001 | 
Too many communications programs are using the CAPI driver. Close down the application you do not need. |

1008 | 
The operating system is overloaded. Close down all applications and restart your PC. |

1009 | 
The CAPI driver is not ready. |

1108 | 
The operating system is overloaded. Close down all applications and restart you PC. |

1109 | 
The CAPI driver is not ready. |

2001 | 
Message not supported in current state |

2002 | 
Illegal Controller / PLCI / NCCI. The ISDN adapter you set up was not found. |

2003 | 
Out of PLCI. The CAPI driver is requesting too many simultaneous connections. |

2004 | 
Out of NCCI. The CAPI driver is requesting too many simultaneous connections. |

2005 | 
Out of LISTEN |

2006 | 
The CAPI driver is requesting more analog fax connections than the hardware of your ISDN adapter can support. You can work round this problem by turning off the fax option in the settings for your CAPI driver. |

2007 | 
Illegal message parameter coding. |

30xx | 
Check local ISDN PC configuration |

3001 | 
B1 protocol not supported |

3002 | 
B2 protocol not supported |

3003 | 
B3 protocol not supported |

3004 | 
B1 protocol parameter not supported |

3005 | 
B2 protocol parameter not supported |

3006 | 
B3 protocol parameter not supported |

3007 | 
B protocol combination not supported |

3008 | 
NCPI not supported |

3009 | 
CIP Value unknown |

300A | 
Flags not supported (reserved bits) |

300B | 
Facility not supported |

300C | 
Data length not supported by current protocol. |

300D | 
Reset procedure not supported by current protocol. |

33xx | 
Check local ISDN PTT hardware |

3301 | 
Protocol error layer 1 (broken line or B-channel removed by signaling protocol). There is no physical connection to the ISDN network. Check the cable connection between the ISDN adapter and ISDN port. Are you using a suitable cable? Is the connection socket properly installed? Is the ISDN network terminator correctly activated? Do you have other devices on your ISDN line that are maybe faulty or that are blocking the S0 bus? |

3302 | 
Protocol error layer 2. Could not connect to the ISDN network. This may be due to a wrong ISDN protocol. Have you set "1TR6" (German ISDN) as ISDN protocol even though your ISDN line is set up for "DSS1" (Euro ISDN), or vice versa? |

3303 | 
Protocol error layer 3 |

3304 | 
Another application got that call. With an incoming call, the network passes the number called (MSN) to all devices on the ISDN line. The devices then react according to how they are set up, by ringing, ignoring the call or by answering the call. Only ONE device can answer the call in each case. The error occurs when several devices react to the call. The device that answers the call first gets the connection. No connection is established for the others. |

3301-3310 | 
A modem (ISDN adapter hardware or software) made available by the CAPI driver displays the message that the connection has been cancelled. |

3311-3318 | 
A modem (ISDN adapter hardware or software) made available by the CAPI driver displays the message that the connection has been cancelled. |

34xx | 
Abort by network, low order 8 Bit contain the cause value, the MSB is used to signal an error, but is not set by all ISDN-CAPI 2.0 implementations: |

3401 | 
Unsigned number |

3402 | 
No route to specified transmit network |

3403 | 
No route to destination |

3406 | 
Channel unacceptable |

3411 | 
User Busy |

3412 | 
No user responding |

3413 | 
No answer from user |

3415 | 
Call reject |

3416 | 
Number changed |

341A | 
Non-selected user clearing |

341B | 
Destination out of order |

341C | 
Invalid number format |

341D | 
Facility rejected |

341E | 
Response to status inquiry |

341F | 
Normal, unspecified |

3480 | 
Normal termination |

3481 | 
Unallocated (unassigned) number. "No connection under this number". The number you are calling could not be reached because it has no line assigned to it. The phone number has the right format, however. Enquire at your telephone company or the operator of your telephone exchange what the correct number is. |

3482 | 
No route to specified transit network |

3483 | 
No route to destination |

3486 | 
Channel unacceptable |

3487 | 
Call awarded and being delivered in an established channel |

3490 | 
Normal call clearing. Connection terminated normally. One of the users of the connection cancelled the connection. The connection was not cancelled by the ISDN network. |

3491 | 
User busy. The number you are calling cannot answer any calls at the moment because all channels are being used. |

3492 | 
No user responding. The number you are calling did not answer within the time period required by your connection. There is probably no terminal device connected to the number you are calling. Contact the other party to establish the cause. |

3493 | 
No answer from user (user alerted). The number you are calling confirmed call received within the time period required, but a connection was not established, however. If the terminal device of the other party is a telephone, then it rang but the call was not answered. Try again later. |

3495 | 
Call rejected. The device reached under the phone number refused the call, although it was not busy and was able to answer the call. For example: if the ISDN option "Call waiting" is activated on the other party's line, a telephone can answer your call even if a call is in progress at the time. This error message occurs when your waiting call is refused by the person you are trying to reach. |

3496 | 
Number changed. The phone number of the party you are calling has changed. Contact your telephone company for the new number. |

349A | 
Non-selected user clearing. |

349B | 
Destination out of order. The terminal device on the number you are calling could not be reached, because the port for this device did not work. A possible cause of this is that the other party's terminal device is not connected or not turned on, or it is not working properly. Contact the other party to find out the cause. |

349C | 
Invalid number format. The party you are calling could not be reached because the number you called is in the wrong format or incomplete. |

349D | 
Facility rejected. At the moment there is no channel free for a call. |

349E | 
Response to STATUS ENQUIRY. |

349F | 
Normal, unspecified. |

34AA | 
Telephone exchange overloaded. Wait a while and try again. |

34A2 | 
No circuit / channel available |

34A6 | 
Network out of order. Problems in the ISDN network. Wait a while and try again. |

34A9 | 
Temporary failure. Temporary problems in the ISDN network. You can try again immediately. |

34AA | 
Switching equipment congestion |

34AB | 
Access information discarded |

34AC | 
Requested circuit / channel not available |

34AF | 
Resources unavailable, unspecified |

34B1 | 
Quality of service unavailable |

34B2 | 
Requested facility not subscribed |

34B9-34CF | 
An ISDN service or an ISDN option was requested that is not available or not supported by the equipment being used. This service or option may need to be enabled by the operator of the ISDN network for you or for the other party. |

34B9 | 
Bearer capability not authorized. |

34BA | 
Bearer capability not presently available. |

34BF | 
Service or option not available, unspecified |

34C1 | 
Bearer capability not implemented |

34C2 | 
Channel type not implemented |

34C5 | 
Requested facility not implemented |

34C6 | 
Only restricted digital information bearer capability is available |

34CF | 
Service or option not implemented, unspecified. |

34D1 | 
Invalid call reference value |

34D2 | 
Identified channel does not exist |

34D3-34D6 | 
Problems parking calls and resuming parked calls. It may be that when you parked the call you chose a code number that is already occupied. Or it could be that when you tried to resume the call you used the wrong code number. Perhaps you tried to resume a call that was not parked in the first place. Parked calls are only available for about two minutes. The call could also have been cancelled by the other person while it was parked. |

34D3 | 
A suspended call exists, but this call identity does not |

34D4 | 
Call identity in use |

34D5 | 
No call suspended |

34D6 | 
Call having the requested call identity has been cleared |

34D8 | 
Incompatible destination. The terminal device of the other party is not compatible with the terminal device that is making the call. The call cannot be answered, therefore. This error could occur, for example, when a digital fax device (G4 fax) is called by a telephone. |

34DB | 
Invalid transit network selection |

34DF | 
Invalid message, unspecified |

34E0 | 
Mandatory information element is missing |

34E1 | 
Message type non-existent or not implemented |

34E2 | 
Message not compatible with call state or message type non-existent or not implemented |

34E3 | 
Information element non-existent or not implemented |

34E4 | 
Invalid information element contents |

34E5 | 
Message not compatible with call state |

34E6 | 
Recovery on timer expiry |

34EF | 
Protocol error, unspecified |

34FF | 
Interworking, unspecified |