Extracomm's Policy on Swapping ExtraFax Licenses
Link: http://www.extracomm.com/Extracomm/FAQ.NSF/FAQs/13bb8e9bfee52be048257bc20022ad6eApply to: ExtraFax for Exchange; ExtraFax for Domino
All versions
Last Modified Date: 04/26/2022
Customers who are currently licensed for ExtraFax for HCL Notes/Domino can swap licenses to obtain the Microsoft Exchange version – if needed. For those customers who are under an active Maintenance Plus plan, the swap fee between the two ExtraFax versions will be 20% of the current list price. For those customers who are under an active Standard Maintenance plan, the swap fee between the two ExtraFax versions will be 48% of the current list price. Otherwise, the swap fee is 78% of the current list price. In order to swap ExtraFax licenses, a Server Swap Request Letter will be required and submitted to Extracomm.
Please contact Extracomm or your Authorized Extracomm Reseller for more information on licence swapping between platforms, its requirements and associated costs.