Update Java JDK/JRE after the installation of ExtraFax for Exchange

Link:  http://www.extracomm.com/Extracomm/FAQ.NSF/FAQs/42a6838b13bcba90482586dc0034eb09
Apply to:  ExtraFax for Exchange

Last Modified Date:  05/26/2021

ExtraFax for Exchange has a prerequisite of 32-bit Java JRE/JDK (either Oracle Java 7/8 or Amazon Corretto 8).

It is recommended that the auto update feature of Oracle Java be disabled to avoid unexpected interference with the ExtraFax server.

In case you need to update the Java JDK/JRE, we recommend you to do it manually (i.e. manually un-install old version JDK/JRE and then install new version JDK/JRE) when the ExtraFax server is scheduled to be offline for maintenance. The reason is that the file path of Java Runtime Environment often contains a minor version number in it (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_291), which may get changed after the update of Java JDK/JRE. This may impact the normal operations of ExtraFax for Exchange. Therefore, it is advised to follow the steps below to update the Java JDK/JRE manually and make sure ExtraFax server is referencing the correct Java Runtime path after the update.

Suggested steps to update Java JDK/JRE on the ExtraFax for Exchange server:

1. Open "ExtraFax Management Console" and select "Stop All" to stop all ExtraFax services.

2. Uninstall the old version Java JDK/JRE.

3. Install the new version Java JDK/JRE manually.

4. Important: Close and restart the "ExtraFax Management Console" so that it will update the "javahome" parameter in the extrafax.cfg automatically.

5. Make sure the "Java Runtime" path displayed in the "ExtraFax Management Console" is the correct one.

6. Select "Start All" in the "ExtraFax Management Console" to start all ExtraFax services:

7. Send a test fax and see whether the fax is successfully sent.