Extrafax problem with Citrix/Metaframe platform
Link: http://www.extracomm.com/Extracomm/FAQ.NSF/FAQs/4807d0c7d7d915bf85256d480054d221Apply to: ExtraFax for Domino
6.0 or above
Last Modified Date: 02/29/2016
Symptom 1: If a user is not an administrator of the machine, session seems fails with error: extafax was not properly initiailzed.
Symptom 2: Users cannot launch the xtraMail client in ICA client.
Solution: Make sure users have proper right to launch the xtraMail program, and write access to the TEMP folder in the system folder (Usually C:\WINNT\TEMP)
In Addition, the ntif2any.dll by default is protected and users cannot read/execute it. Assign the users or user group Read and Execute rights to this file and the Extrafax printer will run correctly.
Remarks: Thanks to Paolo Gobbi for verifying the information.