When receiving fax with SR140 (H.323), the DID code looks like "TEL: 1234,1234". How to solve?

Link:  http://www.extracomm.com/Extracomm/FAQ.NSF/FAQs/531b3dbedfb8182d482578150012cb3d
Apply to:  ExtraFax for Exchange; ExtraFax for Domino

Last Modified Date:  11/16/2018

When receiving fax with SR140 (H.323), the DID code looks like "TEL: 1234,1234". How to solve?

In your callctrl.cfg file there is the following parameter


Please go ahead and change it to


and restart the "Dialogic Corporation Boston Host Service"

After changing this parameter, only called party number will be returned as the DID code of each received fax.

In addition, there is a similar parameter called h323_CallingPartyOption, which controls what part of calling party number will be return. Setting h323_CallingPartyOption=2 will only return the calling party phone number.