Chinese characters on the subject field and body field of a sent fax do not display properly
Link: http://www.extracomm.com/Extracomm/FAQ.NSF/FAQs/8b37b8abe6644a3648257b940014b217Apply to: ExtraFax for Domino
Last Modified Date: 03/31/2016
For Simplified Chinese:
ExtraFax 9.0 and later versions
1. Open your extrafax.nsf with Notes client.
2. Open the ExtraFax Server Configuration document from the database.
3. Under the "Advanced" tab, locate the "Default Serif Font", "Default Sans Serif Font" and "Default Monospace Font" fields.
4. Try setting the values of those fields to "Microsoft YaHei". If this does not work, try setting the values to "SimSun" or "SimSun-ExtB".
ExtraFax 8.5.1 and prior versions
1. Open your extrafax.nsf with Domino Designer.
2. Open your cover page form(s), e.g. the Memo form.
3. Add 3 hidden text fields, and name them "FAXFONTCOURIER", "FAXFONTHELV" and "FAXFONTROMAN".
4. Try setting the values of those fields to "Microsoft YaHei". If this does not work, try setting the values to "SimSun" or "SimSun-ExtB".

For Traditional Chinese: ExtraFax 9.0 and later versions
1. Open your extrafax.nsf with Notes client.
2. Open the ExtraFax Server Configuration document from the database.
3. Under the "Advanced" tab, locate the "Default Serif Font", "Default Sans Serif Font" and "Default Monospace Font" fields.
4. Try setting the values of those fields to "Microsoft JhengHei". If this does not work, try setting the values to "MingLiU" or "MingLiU-ExtB".
ExtraFax 8.5.1 and prior versions
ExtraFax 8.5.1 and prior versions
1. Open your extrafax.nsf with Domino Designer.
2. Open your cover page form(s), e.g. the Memo form.
3. Add 3 hidden text fields, and name them "FAXFONTCOURIER", "FAXFONTHELV" and "FAXFONTROMAN".
4. Try setting the values of those fields to "Microsoft JhengHei". If this does not work, try setting the values to "MingLiU" or "MingLiU-ExtB".
