Can we use Amazon Corretto 8 (32 bit) JDK during the installation of ExtraFax for Exchange?
Link: http://www.extracomm.com/Extracomm/FAQ.NSF/FAQs/ccfacce7a7dcf720482584f800116726Apply to: ExtraFax for Exchange
Last Modified Date: 08/14/2024
Yes, you can use Amazon Corretto 8 (32 bit) JDK during the installation of ExtraFax 4.1 for Exchange or below.
(However, Amazon Corretto 11 JDK is currently not supported.)
1. For new installation of ExtraFax for Exchange
During the installation of ExtraFax for Exchange, you will be asked to install Java Runtime Environment (32 bit).
At this time, you can download and install Amazon Corretto 8 JDK (32 bit).
Download Amazon Corretto 8 JDK (Windows x86) msi installation file (NOT zip file) in the following page and install it:
2. For existing installation of ExtraFax for Exchange
If you have already installed ExtraFax for Exchange (and Oracle Java Runtime Environment 7 or 8 (32 bit) has been installed before), and now you want to switch to Amazon Corretto 8 JDK (32 bit), follow the steps here to uninstall existing Oracle Java Runtime Environment 7 or 8 (32 bit) and then install Amazon Corretto JDK 8 (32 bit):
i. Open "ExtraFax Managment Console" and select "Stop All" to stop all ExtraFax services:
ii. Download Amazon Corretto 8 JDK (Windows x86) msi installation file (NOT zip file) in the following page:
iii. Uninstall existing Oracle Java Runtime Environment in the Control Panel.
iv. Install "Amazon Corretto 8 JDK" by running the downloaded msi file.
v. Close and restart "ExtraFax Management Console" so that it updates the Java path in the extrafax.cfg automatically.
vi. Check whether the path of "Java Runtime" is updated (e.g. c:\Program Files (x86)\Amazon Corretto\jre8).
vii. Use notepad to open "c:\Extracomm\ExtraFax for Exchange\extrafax.cfg" and check whether the "javahome" path is updated:
viii. Open "ExtraFax Managment Console" and select "Start All" to start all ExtraFax services:
ix. Send a test fax and see whether the fax is successfully sent.
x. Done.