How come ExtraFax does not honour the 'default cover sheet' option in the server document ?
Link: http://www.extracomm.com/Extracomm/FAQ.NSF/FAQs/ecbea08f88116f2048256545002f2f0fApply to: ExtraFax for Domino
All versions
Last Modified Date: 07/11/2007
This field may be a little bit confusion. The behaviour of this field is very much like the 'default form' field in a Notes NSF. It would only be used when the desired form specified in the 'Form' field IS NOT FOUND. ExtraFax finds its way to render a document based on the following sequence:
1. If there is a 'FaxCoverSheet' field present and it is set to 'no', ExtraFax will not use any form to render the document
2. If 'FaxCoverSheet' present and is not set to 'no', it is assumed to be the form to use for rendering the document.
3. If 'FaxCoverSheet' does not present, the 'Form' field will be used to find the form
4. If somehow the desired form cannot be found, the 'default cover sheet' specified in server document will be used.
Should 'FaxCoverSheet' is set to 'no', ExtraFax will still attempt to render the 'Body' field if it presents. To suppress even the Body, set a field 'FaxAttachmentOnly' to '1' in the document (Now you need to have a faxable attachment or nothing will be faxed).