How to request for an ExtraFax license key?
Link: http://www.extracomm.com/Extracomm/FAQ.NSF/FAQs/fd89933020a984b148257bcf00345860Apply to: ExtraFax for Exchange
Last Modified Date: 02/03/2017
About ExtraFax License Keys
An ExtraFax Product License Key is a unique string of characters generated based on the Full Computer Name of the Windows Server upon which the ExtraFax server is installed. The license key is stored in the ExtraFax database. This product key is server-specific and identifies the type of licenses applicable to that installation. It should also be noted that the license key is specific to the version of ExtraFax being used. If ExtraFax is upgraded to a newer release, a new license key will also be required.
Request for a license key
Extracomm issues 30 day temporary license key for customers who would like to evaluate our product. Permanent keys are issued upon product purchase. To obtain a license key from Extracomm, email the request to sales@extracomm.com stating the desired license type with the Full Computer Name of the Windows Server upon which the ExtraFax server will be installed.
Obtain the Full Computer Name
To obtain the Full Computer Name of the Windows Server, follow the steps outlined below:
1. Use Windows domain user account to login to the Windows Server.
2. (Windows Server 2012) From the Start Menu, select Control Panel => System. (Windows Server 2008) From the Start Menu, select Control Panel => System and Security => System.
3. You can find the Full Computer Name here: