SecurEsign Services

SecurEsign Offerings
Extracomm offers a full complement of Professional Services for ensuring a quick and successful deployment of SecurTrac from the smallest business to the largest global enterprise.
These services can be delivered through the web or on-site.
Rates for courses are dependent upon which course is selected as well as any travel expenses.
SecurEsign Quickstart Essentials
During a SecurEsign QuickStart Essentials , the System Engineer will accomplish the following:
A) Planning
1. Environmental Survey
Customer will be sent an environmental survey via email to be filled out and submitted prior to Step #2 of the Planning stage. The survey will include important questions regarding the customer’s environment, personnel, and needs
2. Pre-QuickStart Conference
Prior to the scheduled QuickStart, and after the environmental survey has been completed and submitted, the assigned Systems Engineer will meet with the customer via telephone to review the following items, to ensure that the time of the actual service is spent efficiently and wisely.
1. Review environmental survey responses
2. Review hardware and software requirements
3. Scheduled start times and end times for the service
4. Discuss who will be involved during the installation, configuration, and training portions of the QuickStart
5. Review the schedule – what will be accomplished during the QuickStart
6. Review license information – how many licenses purchased, how many installations will be done, how many servers, etc.
7. If it will be a remote service, instructions for logging into the Sametime meeting will be reviewed and a browser test will be done to ensure that there will be no connectivity issues during the service
8. Discuss available options for additional services (see hourly services below)
9. Which databases will SecurEsign be integrated with?
10. Who will SecurEsign be deployed to?
11. Will additional customization be necessary?
B) Installation/Administration Tasks
1. Installation and registration of SecurEsign
a. Installation performed on client machine
2. Review/demonstrate upgrade and uninstall procedures for future reference
3. Review design elements in SecurEsign database
4. Create new SecurEsign-enabled discussion database for reference/training
a. Create database
b. Apply SecurEsign design elements
c. Demonstrate SecurEsign functionality
C) Application Integration
1. Integrate SecurEsign design elements into preexisting Domino applications
2. Test and demonstrate functionality
Additional services available at an hourly rate:
A) Additional application integration/customization
B) Administration/Developer training
C) End User training