ExtraFax PO database (extrafax.nsf) is not accessible when compact -B is running
Link: http://www.extracomm.com/Extracomm/FAQ.NSF/FAQs/00a5dd32e589099e48257df9000f5f52Apply to: ExtraFax for Domino
Last Modified Date: 02/27/2015
When compact -B was running on ExtraFax PO database (extrafax.nsf), the database became inaccessible. Some ExtraFax-related error messages displayed on the Domino server console, and also the Domino server might restart itself automatically after some while.
In general, we would suggest shutting down ExtraFax server before running compact -B on extrafax.nsf.
If you have created a Domino Program document to run compact -B at specific time (e.g. Sunday 1:00 AM) on all server databases, we would recommend either
(1) Excluding extrafax.nsf from being compacted by the scheduled compact -B.
(2) Shutting down the ExtraFax server before compacting extrafax.nsf and restarting it later on.
For example, you can setup Domino Program documents to scheduled shutdown the ExtraFax servers at Sunday 12:45 AM and restart them at 4:00 AM (assumed compact -B on all databases can be completed within three hours).
How to schedule shutdown/restart ExtraFax server?