Out-of-Office Web App iOS8 compatibility

XPages Mobile controls in Domino 9.0.1 Fix Pack 2 and earlier releases do not work with iOS 8. As a result, the Out of Office XPages Web App may not work properly on iOS 8 devices.

Reference: XPage Mobile Controls Fail On iOS 8 (technote 1686751)


Solution 1 (Install with Domino 9.0.1 Fix Pack 2 Interim Fix 1):

Solution 2 (Deploy Dojo 1.9.4 or a newer version onto the Domino server manually):

1. Copy an appropriate version of Dojo to the \Domino\data\domino\js folder, e.g. C:\Program Files\IBM\Domino\data\domino\js\dojo-1.9.4.

2. Navigate to the \Domino\osgi\shared\eclipse\plugins folder, and locate a JAR file called com.ibm.xsp.dojo_9.0.0.20130301-1431.jar (or a file with a similar name).

3. Extract and copy the entire \resources\dojo-version\ibm folder and \resources\dojo-version\template folder from the JAR file to the \Domino\data\domino\js folder.

4. Restart the Domino server.

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